
Mouthguards are dental devices worn over the teeth to protect them from injury during sports and other physical activities. They also treat dental conditions such as teeth grinding and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).

Types of Mouth Guards

There are three types of mouthguards:

  • Stock mouthguards: These are pre-formed and come in standard sizes. They are the least expensive type of mouthguard, but they do not fit as well as others and can be uncomfortable.
  • Boil-and-bite mouthguards: These are made from a thermoplastic material that softens when heated. The mouth guard is placed in boiling water and then molded to the shape of the wearer’s teeth. They offer a better fit than stock mouthguards but can still be uncomfortable.
  • Custom-fitted mouthguards: These are made by a dentist at Fenton Family Dental or other dental professional who takes an impression of the wearer’s teeth. They offer the best fit and comfort but are the most expensive type of mouthguard.
Why Wear a Mouth Guard?

Mouthguards protect the teeth and mouth from injury during sports and physical activities. They can prevent broken teeth, jaw fractures, and other injuries. Mouth guards also protect the mouth’s soft tissues, such as the lips, tongue, and cheeks.

In addition to protecting the teeth during physical activity, mouthguards are also used to treat certain dental conditions. For example, teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can cause dental problems such as worn-down teeth and jaw pain. A mouth guard can help protect the teeth from grinding and reduce jaw pain.

TMJ is a joint disorder that joins the jawbone to the skull and affects the jaw. Pain, popping or clicking noises, and difficulty opening and closing the mouth are all possible effects. By supporting the jaw and relieving pressure on the joint, a mouth guard can help lessen the symptoms of TMJ.

How to Choose a Mouth Guard

When choosing a mouthguard, it is important to consider the following:

  • Type: Choose the mouthguard that best suits your needs and budget.
  • Fit: A mouthguard that does not fit properly can be uncomfortable and ineffective. A custom-fitted mouthguard offers the best fit and comfort.
  • Material: Mouthguards can be made from different materials, such as silicone, acrylic, and laminate. Some materials are more durable than others, so consider your level of physical activity when choosing a material.
  • Age: Children and adults may require different types of mouthguards. Children may need to replace their mouthguards more frequently as their teeth and jawbones develop.
Caring for Your Mouth Guard

It is important to take care of it properly to ensure that your mouth guard lasts as long as possible and remains effective. Here are some tips:

  • After each use, rinse your mouthguard with lukewarm water.
  • Clean your mouthguard with a toothbrush and toothpaste or soap and water.
  • Store your mouthguard in a cool, dry place.
  • Avoid exposing your mouthguard to high temperatures or direct sunlight.

If your mouthguard becomes damaged or worn down, replace it immediately.

In conclusion, mouthguards are essential for protecting the teeth and mouth during physical activity and can also be used to treat certain dental conditions. When choosing a mouthguard, consider the type, fit, material, and age. Proper care and maintenance of your mouthguard can ensure that it remains effective and lasts as long as possible.