Advantage of Root Canal

A dental procedure called a root canal is performed to treat teeth that are infected or damaged. During the process, the pulp, or nerve tissue, that is injured or infected is removed from inside the tooth, and the space is filled with a specific substance. Dentists and endodontists, who focus on treating the interior of teeth, frequently do root canals.

When the pulp inside the tooth gets infected or destroyed as a result of decay, trauma, or other causes, root canal procedures are frequently required. Pain, sensitivity to warmth or cold, swelling, and a poor aftertaste are all signs of a damaged or diseased pulp. Without treatment, the infection may spread to other bodily regions and worsen one’s health.

The damaged tooth’s surrounding area is first locally anesthetized before the root canal operation begins. In order to access the pulp chamber, the dentist or endodontist then drills a tiny hole in the crown of the tooth. Next, they clean the inside of the tooth and delicately remove any damaged or infected pulp using small devices. Following removing the pulp, the cavity is filled with a unique material, often a rubber-like substance known as gutta-percha, and then is temporarily filled.

The tooth could be sensitive or painful for a few days following the root canal. Painkillers sold over the counter can help you deal with any discomfort. In addition, the temporary filling is often taken out and replaced with a permanent filling or dental crown during a subsequent session.

One misunderstanding regarding root canals is that they hurt. In actuality, local anesthetic is used during root canal procedures, and they are typically no more uncomfortable than receiving a filling. The goal of the surgery is to make the afflicted tooth healthy again while also reducing pain.

After a root canal, taking care of the damaged tooth is crucial to ensure a satisfactory outcome. To maintain good oral health, patients should continue to brush and floss often and schedule routine dental exams. In some circumstances, further treatment, such as a dental crown, may be required to protect further and support the afflicted tooth.

Treating infected or damaged teeth using root canals is a common dental surgery. During the process, the pulp inside the tooth is removed if it has become injured or infected, and the space is filled with a specific substance. Dentists and endodontists commonly undertake root canal procedures, which are required to relieve pain and stop the progression of infection. The process can help save a decayed or broken tooth and is typically no more unpleasant than having a filling. After a root canal, taking care of the damaged tooth is crucial to ensure a satisfactory outcome. Consult your dentist or endodontist at Pure Smiles if you notice signs of a broken or diseased tooth to see if a root canal might be required.